Mediation Process

When can mediation begin?

Either spouse can initiate a divorce mediation by calling our office at (781) 253-2049. Mediation itself can begin as soon as both spouses are ready. Since there are no court filings, the mediator and spouses are not working on the court’s timeline. This allows you each to decide when to begin – and how. Our When can mediation begin?

Are mediation sessions confidential?

In Massachusetts, the confidentiality of the divorce mediation process is protected by law. This can make a huge difference in your divorce because some very intimate details about your marriage are bound to come up in the process. If this happens in a divorce litigation, those details will often be included in a court filing, Are mediation sessions confidential?

What is mediation?

Mediation is one of the ways that you can resolve a divorce. The hallmarks of divorce mediation are the non-adversarial format and the fact that it happens almost entirely outside of the courtroom. Mediation is also completely voluntary and can only be initiated by the agreement of both spouses. As a dispute resolution process, mediation What is mediation?