Mediation Process

How do I negotiate my divorce through mediation?

South Shore Divorce Mediation offers mediation coaching for individuals engaged in mediation who seek guidance during the negotiation process. For individuals proceeding without a coach, preparing to negotiate involves identifying clear goals for mediation, conducting research and gathering knowledge on legal and financial issues, approaching the negotiation patiently, and continually revising and re-focusing on your How do I negotiate my divorce through mediation?

What is the Co-Worker Rule and how does it work in divorce mediation?

The Co-Worker Rule is a simple rule of thumb for mediation participants who are struggling to set aside their anger or difficult history with their spouse. The rule states that spouses should seek to interact and communicate like co-workers in a professional environment instead of like former spouses. Although it sounds simple, divorcing spouses often What is the Co-Worker Rule and how does it work in divorce mediation?

How long does it take to mediate a divorce?

The duration of the mediation process varies based on factors including the substantive issues that participants agree or disagree on, the relationship dynamics between participants, each spouse’s motivation and engagement level, and the complexity surrounding family income and assets.  For a complete rundown on the factors effecting the length of divorce mediation, check out Nicole How long does it take to mediate a divorce?

Should I see my own lawyer during the mediation process?

Having an attorney as a mediation coach is often helpful during mediation. Our mediators encourage spouses to work with mediation-friendly attorneys while a mediation is ongoing. We also offering mediation coaching services to clients who are engaged in mediation with another mediator. Mediation-friendly attorneys who act as mediation coaches can often play a positive role Should I see my own lawyer during the mediation process?

What happens if we cannot reach a divorce agreement during mediation?

While mediation is a good way to resolve a divorce, it is by no means a guaranteed success. Sometimes mediated divorces break down, leaving divorcing spouses without a completed divorce agreement to take to court to finalize their separation. When this happens, there are three paths that you can go down: Litigation, try another mediation, What happens if we cannot reach a divorce agreement during mediation?

Will the mediator meet separately with each of us during the sessions?

During a mediation session, it not unusual for a mediator to split the spouses and meet with each spouse separately, provided each spouse agrees to this arrangement. Speaking separately with each spouse helps the mediator better understand each spouse’s separate concerns, worries, and goals. Spouses often have their guard up in the presence of other Will the mediator meet separately with each of us during the sessions?

Can you have someone else with you during the mediation sessions?

It may be possible to include third parties in a mediation, but it is important to resolve the groundworks for the involvement of outside individuals before inviting them to mediation sessions. In particular, outside experts such as financial experts or child therapists can aid the mediation process by presenting their expertise for both parties. (It Can you have someone else with you during the mediation sessions?