Divorce Mediators

Does my divorce mediator need to understand tax law?

Not every divorce involves significant tax issues. Moreover, many mediation participants are capable of understanding basic tax issues, such as child tax credits, that can arise in a divorce. More challenging tax issues include the tax deductibility of alimony, transfers from retirement accounts using Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), couples owing back taxes, 529 college Does my divorce mediator need to understand tax law?

How can I find a good mediator?

Check out Nicole’s blog, “Tips for Finding the Right Divorce Mediator for Your Family”, for a nice overview of this subject. Finding a divorce mediator that works for both you and your spouse by encouraging fruitful discussion and advancing agreement is a big factor in the outcome of a mediated divorce. Unfortunately, mediators cannot simply How can I find a good mediator?

Can our mediator represent either of us an attorney in a divorce proceeding or give us legal advice after the mediation is over?

No. The mediator’s role in a divorce mediation is as a neutral third party who urges spouses to listen to each other’s needs, creatively craft solutions that are mutually beneficial, and compromise in ways that ensure everyone’s future success and well-being. Directly representing either you or your spouse during the mediation would destroy this neutrality. Can our mediator represent either of us an attorney in a divorce proceeding or give us legal advice after the mediation is over?

Will the mediator meet separately with each of us during the sessions?

During a mediation session, it not unusual for a mediator to split the spouses and meet with each spouse separately, provided each spouse agrees to this arrangement. Speaking separately with each spouse helps the mediator better understand each spouse’s separate concerns, worries, and goals. Spouses often have their guard up in the presence of other Will the mediator meet separately with each of us during the sessions?

Is there anything that a mediator cannot do during the mediation process?

Because the mediator is a neutral third party whose role is to help the parties come to their own agreement, mediators cannot make decisions about the divorce on behalf of either spouse or help one spouse at the expense of the other. This includes giving legal advice during the mediation. Additionally, the mediator cannot require Is there anything that a mediator cannot do during the mediation process?