Jason Owens

Netflix’s Marriage Story Shows the Price of Divorce Litigation

Marriage Story teaches lessons about divorce litigation

Massachusetts mediator Jason Owens draws lessons from the Netflix movie, Marriage Story, about divorce mediation and litigation. On December 6, 2019, a new movie was released on Netflix called Marriage Story that illustrates some of the ways that divorce ligation can undermine and erode a productive co-parenting relationship after a marriage ends. Starring Adam Driver Netflix’s Marriage Story Shows the Price of Divorce Litigation

How to Use Financial Experts in Divorce Mediation

Financial expert for divorce mediation

Massachusetts Mediator Jason V. Owens explores how financial experts can assist the mediation process for divorcing spouses. For spouses whose divorce mediation includes complex financial issues, it is often helpful to include one or more outside financial experts in the mediation process. Financial experts can aide the mediation process in a variety of ways. For How to Use Financial Experts in Divorce Mediation

Mediating Shared Physical Custody Agreements in Massachusetts

How to mediate shared phyiscal custody.

Massachusetts mediator Jason V. Owens explores how parents use mediation for shared physical custody schedules. Many mediation clients enter mediation already having agreed to share physical custody of their children. Many other parents enter the process unsure how to mediate a parenting schedule that fits their children and family’s individual needs. What’s clear is that Mediating Shared Physical Custody Agreements in Massachusetts