Can conciliation be performed virtually using Zoom or Virtual Platforms?
Absolutely. Conciliation is well suited to Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms.
Absolutely. Conciliation is well suited to Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms.
Delays to trial time and court availability due to Covid have drastically increased demand for conciliation for parties who are seeking to litigate their case but find that courts simply are not available to advance case in timely manner. Conciliation allows parties to receive feedback from qualified third party in a speedy and efficient manner … How has conciliation been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic?
Most (although not all) conciliation clients come to the process after hitting and impasse in litigation. With the Covid crisis drastically reducing access to courts, many parties and their attorneys are now seeking conciliation where judges are simply not available. Conciliation often represents a middle ground between fully committing to mediation vs. continuing with litigation. … How do parties usually end up in conciliation?