The Co-Worker Rule

The “Co-Worker Rule” Helps Spouses set Boundaries During a Divorce

The co-worker helps divorced spouses talk.

Divorce Mediator Kimberley Keyes discusses how the Co-Worker Rule helps former spouses communicate after separating. In a recent divorce mediation blog post, we discussed the Co-Worker Rule, which provides a practical approach for separated spouses setting boundaries and communicating during and after the divorce process. A recent Massachusetts divorce case highlights the importance of the The “Co-Worker Rule” Helps Spouses set Boundaries During a Divorce

Setting Boundaries During Divorce: The Co-Worker Rule

Divorce Mediation Co-Worker Rule

Divorce Mediator Kimberley Keyes reviews how The Co-Worker Rule can help divorced and separated spouses co-exist. Many spouses who are going through a divorce cannot simply cut ties completely with a former husband or wife. Perhaps they share children who depend on both parents, while others might work together or share financial interests. For many Setting Boundaries During Divorce: The Co-Worker Rule