
Comparing the 3 Major Styles of Mediation

3 styles of divorce mediation help spouses resolve issues

Divorce mediator Nicole K. Levy reviews compares and contrasts facilitative mediation, evaluative mediation and transformative mediation. Mediators use a variety of techniques to resolve legal disputes. Indeed, mediation is a craft that can be executed in different ways, depending on a mediator’s expertise, the preference of the clients, and the nature of the dispute in Comparing the 3 Major Styles of Mediation

Shuttle Diplomacy Helps Resolve High-Conflict Divorce Mediations

Resolving divorce with shuttle mediation.

Divorce mediator Nicole K. Levy explores how shuttle mediation allows couples can resolve high-conflict divorce despite strong emotions. Estranged spouses sometimes avoid mediating their divorce because they believe that mediation is only for couples who “get along” during the divorce process. Successful mediations come in all forms, however, including those involving spouses who do not Shuttle Diplomacy Helps Resolve High-Conflict Divorce Mediations

The Importance of Defining Your Goals Before Divorce Mediation

Define Goals for Divorce Mediation

Massachusetts divorce mediator Nicole K. Levy reviews the importance of identifying specific goals before starting divorce mediation. A major benefit of divorce mediation is that it allows spouses to creatively craft their own solutions to the unique issues affecting their divorce. Mediation generally focuses on the final resolution, rather than on who “won” or who The Importance of Defining Your Goals Before Divorce Mediation

How Basic Legal Arguments Can Help Non-Lawyers in Divorce Mediation

Legal Arguments for Non-Lawyers

Mediator and Mediation Coach Kimberley Keyes reviews examines how non-lawyers can prepare legal arguments for divorce mediation. Mediation is among the few areas where non-lawyers are in a position to greatly improve their circumstances by making solid legal arguments to a neutral third party. Understanding the nuances of legal arguments can require years of study How Basic Legal Arguments Can Help Non-Lawyers in Divorce Mediation