High Net Worth Divorce

How to Use Financial Experts in Divorce Mediation

Financial expert for divorce mediation

Massachusetts Mediator Jason V. Owens explores how financial experts can assist the mediation process for divorcing spouses. For spouses whose divorce mediation includes complex financial issues, it is often helpful to include one or more outside financial experts in the mediation process. Financial experts can aide the mediation process in a variety of ways. For How to Use Financial Experts in Divorce Mediation

Splitting Complex Assets in a High Net Worth Divorce Mediation

Examples of challenges in equitably dividing complex assets in mediated divorce

Divorce mediator Kimberley Keyes reviews the challenges posed by complex financial assets in divorce. High net worth couples – often defined as those earning more than $500,000 per year and with assets eclipsing $5 million – frequently hold complex financial assets. From investments in stocks and bonds to real estate to pensions to retirement accounts Splitting Complex Assets in a High Net Worth Divorce Mediation

Dividing Complex Financial Assets in Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediator Nicole K. Levy examines the division of complex assets during divorce mediation. Many people don’t realize that divorce mediation can include outside experts who asset divorcing spouses with complex financial issues. In divorce litigation, parties will often retain third-parties with special training to assist in the divorce, such as a CPA, business planner Dividing Complex Financial Assets in Divorce Mediation