
Mediating Shared Physical Custody Agreements in Massachusetts

How to mediate shared phyiscal custody.

Massachusetts mediator Jason V. Owens explores how parents use mediation for shared physical custody schedules. Many mediation clients enter mediation already having agreed to share physical custody of their children. Many other parents enter the process unsure how to mediate a parenting schedule that fits their children and family’s individual needs. What’s clear is that Mediating Shared Physical Custody Agreements in Massachusetts

How Alimony Buyouts Can Maximize Flexibility After a Divorce

Marital Assets Can Fund Alimony Buyouts

Divorce Mediator Kimberley Keyes examines how alimony buyouts can greatly increase flexibility after a divorce. One of the biggest benefits to mediating a divorce, as opposed to litigating it, is that you and your spouse have much more power to choose what is best for your particular situation. Mediation broadens the options available to you How Alimony Buyouts Can Maximize Flexibility After a Divorce

Two Situations Where Collaborative Law Can Help Resolve Your Divorce

Situations Where Collaborative Law Can Help Divorce Process

Massachusetts divorce mediator Nicole K. Levy reviews two separate situations where collaborative law can help resolve a divorce. As more and more people try settling their divorce outside of the courtroom, new approaches have developed for resolving legal separations that do not involve litigation. One of these methods is mediation, which is familiar to most Two Situations Where Collaborative Law Can Help Resolve Your Divorce