Mediation Timing

Using Short-Term Mediation While Courts are Closed Due to Coronavirus

Short term mediation is fast

Mediator Nicole K. Levy explains how litigants are turning to mediation while courts closed by Covid-19. Massachusetts recently announced that the state’s courts would remain closed for most non-emergency matters until at least June 1, 2020. Given that courts were initially slated to reopen on May 4, 2020, it now appears possible that Probate & Using Short-Term Mediation While Courts are Closed Due to Coronavirus

Agreeing to a “Marriage End Date” Can Reduce Stress in Divorce Mediation

Stipulating to a date of divorce can reduce stress in mediation

Divorce mediator Nicole K. Levy reviews the advantages of agreeing on a “marriage end date” for spouses mediating their divorce. In the divorce process, questions often arise over how separated spouses should manage their financial affairs between the time the divorce process begins and the final entry of the divorce decree. Divorce is often emotional, Agreeing to a “Marriage End Date” Can Reduce Stress in Divorce Mediation

When Should You Start the Divorce Mediation Process?

Timing - when to start divorce mediation

Divorce Mediator Carmela M. Miraglia reviews the best time to start divorce mediation. One of the advantages of the divorce mediation process, compared to the litigation process, is that mediation rewards creativity and encourages flexibility by allowing to spouses set the pace for resolving their divorce. While many spouses will complete the mediation process before When Should You Start the Divorce Mediation Process?

Mediating Modifications: Child Custody, Child Support and Alimony

Mediating divorce modifications

Divorce Mediator Carmela M. Miraglia discusses how mediation can assist parents and former spouses amicably modify judgments and agreements. Fortunately, life goes on after a divorce. However, the needs and goals of the divorced spouses and their children can change with time. Often, these changes are significant enough that terms of a divorce agreement are Mediating Modifications: Child Custody, Child Support and Alimony

How Using Mediation Avoids Many Common Problems with Prenuptial Agreements

Mediate your prenuptial agreement.

Mediator Kimberley Keyes explains how soon-to-be spouses can use mediation to avoid many common problems with prenuptial agreements. Mediation provides soon-to-be married spouses who agree to execute a prenuptial agreement with a cooperative, stress-free process for preparing a prenuptial agreement that avoids many of the stresses and pitfalls associated with the conventional approach. Marriage is How Using Mediation Avoids Many Common Problems with Prenuptial Agreements

Mediation Works Even After a Complaint for Divorce Has Been Filed

Mediation offers both spouses a path forward in divorce

Divorce Mediator Nicole K. Levy explains why mediation can still work, even after a complaint for divorce has been filed. One question I frequently hear from people investigating mediation is whether they can use mediation after a divorce case has been opened in court.  Spouses often feel that once they have initiated litigation, mediation is Mediation Works Even After a Complaint for Divorce Has Been Filed

Even if Unsuccessful, Mediation Narrows Down the Issues for Litigation

Mediation promotes peaceful problem solving.

Divorce Mediator Kimberley Keyes reviews how mediation valuably narrows the contested issues in a divorce, even if the mediation itself is unsuccessful. If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, or if you have already decided that you’re going to split up, you probably realize that many issues will need to be resolved. For Even if Unsuccessful, Mediation Narrows Down the Issues for Litigation